UN Solution Summit; Global Innovation Exchange– 07 2019 THE WHITE HOUSE; President Donald J. Trump– 29 November 2018 THE WHITE HOUSE; President Donald J. Trump– 13 November 2018 UNDPINGO – Invitation & RSVP – Tuesday Chat Series, End Child Marriage2:30 – 4:00 PMDPI NGO Resource Center801 UN Plaza, 2nd Floor,New York, NY 10017– 17 April 2018 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); United Nations Commission on Populationand Development; E/CN.9/2018/NGO/2– January 2018 THE WHITE HOUSE; President Trump– January 2018 United Nations; Secretary General António Guterres– January 2018 THE WHITE HOUSE; Holiday Greetings, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump– January 2018 UN Documents, DPI-NGO-Announcements-Page-4– February 2017 THE WHITE HOUSE; Holiday Greetings, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama– January 2017 WHEC Commitment to Every Woman Every Child– November 2016 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION; Dr. Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director-General, Family, Women’s and Children’s Health– August 2016 THE WHITE HOUSE; President Obama– July 2016 UN Partnerships For SDGs: WHEC Initiative Statement– July 2016 Statement to the UN Economic and Social Council – E/2015/NGO/2– May 2015 UNITED NATIONS; Secretary-General of the United Nations BAN Ki-moon– December 2014 THE WHITE HOUSE; Holiday Greetings, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama– December 2014 Statement to the UN Economic and Social Council – E/2014/NGO/53– May 2014 UN Secretary General’s Acknowledgement– December 2013 Yale OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT– October 2013 UN Secretary General’s Acknowledgement– December 2012 UN Secretary General’s Acknowledgement– December 2011 Analysing Commitments to Advance the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health: – The PMNCH 2011 Report– December 2011 UN Secretary General’s Invitation – Every Woman Every Child – The Effort to Advance the Global Strategy– September 2011 Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (World Health Organization) – PMNCH Member– Since May 2011 CSO Net, ECOSOC Civil Society Network: Projects on World Map– December 2009 UN-NGO-IRENE Best Practices Network: Continuing Medical Education Initiative for the Globalized World– 30 March 2009 WHO | e-Learning Publication: WomensHealthSection.com– 2008 NGO SECTION, DESA: Special Consultative Status granted– July 2008 (pdf) NGO Section, DESA: Recommendation to Special Consultative Status– June 2008 (pdf) DPI-NGO Letter of Association– June 2008 (pdf) Letter of Academic Partnership Unit of UN– February 2008 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION– November 2007 UNITED NATIONS– October 2007 Bulletin of the World Health Organization– November 2006 (pdf) Sign Out: Insights and reflections from thought leaders in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Contemporary OB/GYN– September 2006 Department of Public Information, Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI-NGO)– 23 June 2006 United Nations University– 7 December 2005 UNITED NATIONS– 25 August 2005 UNITED NATIONS– 29 July 2005 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION– 1 July 2005 (pdf) Department of Public Information, Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI-NGO)– 7 April 2005 UNITED NATIONS– 23 February 2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)– 9 November 2004 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION– 25 October 2004 The Executive Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations Associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information– 8 January 2004 UNITED NATIONS– 30 June 2003 British Journal of Anesthesia– 2003, Barclay 90 (6): 816 (pdf) Postgraduate Institute Of Medical Education And Research, Chandigarh -160 012 (India)– 27 November 2002 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists– 15 November 2002 United Nations Association of the United States of America and the Business Council for the United Nations– 12 October 2002 UNITED NATIONS Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development– 16 February 1994 Esta página contiene los documentos en formato PDF. Usted necesitará Adobe Reader para ver estos documentos.