enruarzh-hansfres en
enruarzh-hansfres en

Dr. Robert Philip Hoffman

Date de naissance:

10 Decembre, 1945


United States Navy 1975-1977, Naval Hospital, Beaufort, S.C.


Union College, Schenectady, NY B.S. (Biology) 1966
Albany Medical College, Albany, NY (M.D.) 1970
Internat- Albany Medical Center Hospital 1970-1971
Résidence- Albany Medical Center Hospital 1971-1973
Camarade- Infectious Diseases, Albany Medical College 1973-1975


National Board of Medical Examiners- 1971
American Board of Internal Medicine- 1973


New York, Massachusetts

Sociétés Professionnelles:

American Society for Microbiology
Infectious Disease Society of America
Massachusetts Infectious Diseases Sociery
American Foundation for Infectious Diseases
American Medical Association
Outpatient Intravenous Therapy Association
H.I.V. Medical Association


Chief of Infectious Diseases, Division of Internal Medicine, Mercy Medical Center, Springfield, MA
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts University College of Medicine
Instructeur visitant dans la santé publique, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 1989-1990
Member, Division of Infectious Diseases, Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, MA
Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA
Holyoke Hospital, Holyoke, MA, Noble Hospital, Westfield, MA, The Rehabilitation Hospital of Western Massachusetts, Ludlow, MA
Chairman, Infection Control: Mercy Hospital, The Rehabilitation Hospital of Western Massachusetts
Medical Advisory Committee- Visiting Nurse Association of Holyoke Massachusetts


Medical Director, PROTOCARE of Massachusetts 1986-1997


Hampden County Medical Group, 1977-1979
Springfield Medical Associates, 1979-1999
Robert P. Hoffman MD, P.C. 1999- present

Compagnies Pharmaceutiques:

Clinical Consultant in Infectious Diseases and H.I.V. Care: Merck, Hoffmann- LaRoche, Glaxo, Abbott, Agouron, Ortho-McNeil, Bristol Myers Squibb

Les Papiers Récents Ont présenté:

Questions actuelles dedans H.I.V./A.I.D.S.- March 7, 1999, West Springfield, MA
Infections in Long Term Care- Western Massachusetts Hospital, Westfield, MA, June 2, 1999
Cost-Effective Antibiotic Use- Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA, June 8, 1999
Salvage Therapy in H.I.V. Care- St. Petersberg, Florida, July 7, 1999
OPAT in the Era of Managed Care- Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA,September 9, 1999
Salvage Therapy in Patients with Drug Resistant H.I.V.- Worcester, MA, October 7. 1999
Antibiotic Associated Colitis and other Gastrointestinal Complications of Antibotic Use- Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA, November 16,1999
Influenza- What Is It and What Can We Do About It?- Springfield, MA, December 9, 1999
Line Sepsis-How Do We Identify It, How do We Treat It?- Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA, March 21, 2000
African A.I.D.S.- Ugly Pictures in a Beautiful Setting- Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA, October 10, 2000
H.I.V. and the African American Community- Springfield, MA, March 5, 2001
Community Acquired Pneumonia- applying Science to Practice-Springfield, MA; November 14, 2000
Community Acquired Pneumonia- Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MA, May 12, 2001
A Change of HAART- E. Longmeadow, MA, May 17, 2001
CAP- A New Paradigm- Tufts Health Plan- October 19, 2001, Holyoke, MA
Bioterrorism and the Physician- West Springfield, MA, Dec. 6, 2001
AIDS in Africa- Sad Pictures in a Beautiful Place- Springfield, MA, February 6, 2002
Less is More- A Change of HAART- Waterbury, CT, April 9, 2002

Symposia Moderated:

Infectious Diseases Updated- 1983, Springfield, MA
Infection Control Update- 1984, Springfield, MA
Topics in Infection Control- 1985, Springfield, MA
Topics in Infection Control- 1986, Springfield, MA
Home Care in the ’90’s- High Tech and Compassion- Springfield, MA
Intrroduction to Home Care- Hoffmann- LaRoche Home Health Services, Mahwah, NJ, February 22, 1989
Antibiotics and Fever- April 4, 1990
Common Infections: Contemporary Management Strategies-April 25, 1991
Common Infectious Diseases- April 9, 1992. Springfield, MA
Quality Assurance in Home Care- April 17, 1993, OPIVITA Conference, Chicago, IL

Les Livres Ont passé en revue:

Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Data, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, (ASHP), Bethesda, MD, 1990

Papiers édités:

« Quality Assurance of Protocare of Masasachusetts », OPIVITA, Oct. 1991
« Valuing Outpatient Management Services », OPIVITA, December, 1991
« Managed Care and the Infectious Diseases Specialist », Clinical Infectious Diseases, Vol. 23, No. 2, August, 1996
In Preparation: « Outcomes of H.I.V. Care in a Community Based Practice-1998-1999 »
Merck Protocol 094/CRX463 (Direct study)- A Study of the Effectiveness and Side Effects of Indinavir-Ritonavir Combination.
Glaxo (Zorro study)- To Assess the Tolerability and Safety of Ziagen in H.I.V.-I Infected Individuals.
Agouran AG1700-1170- A Study to Assess the Ability of Delaviradine to Improve Lipid Profiles in H.I.V. Infected Individuals.


Handbook of H.I.V., Total Learning Concepts, Boston, MA 2002