Welcome to the virtual health library in women’s health care – Guidelines for Women’s Health
Partner, Publish & Promote
The Journal, WomensHealthSection.com contains a number of innovative and successful best practices from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), participating institutions, their faculty, and UN entities around the world. In this section, institutions, authors and NGOs can view and rate best practices in specific fields of work, network with organizations around the world, and promote their own work to a global audience. Users can also submit papers, manuscripts, photographs representative of their work which will be available for fellow users to browse. The most of our content is generally commissioned, but if you have a great idea for a commentary, editorial, public health review, news story, interview, book review, or public health classic, we would be happy to consider your proposal.
We are embarking on a new era in medicine and health care. As you know the information super-highway has much information to offer to the health care providers all over the world. To reach the global community and to serve national and international health care educational needs, we have opened, the Guidelines for Contributors and Submit a Manuscript, for fast, easy electronic submission of your work. Serving all over the world, the Journal, WomensHealthSection.com is most widely read in the specialty. We plan development together. We build partnerships to last. Grants and services provided by Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC) to the Authors and Editors help us all to build better health care systems in both industrialized and developing countries: Partner, Publish & Promote.
What sort of papers/research do we want, publish and fund?
The Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC) publishes papers on matters of women’s health and health development with a special focus on Millennium Development Goal # 5 (Improve Maternal Health). This is a very broad field, and we consider a very wide range of papers, but the ones that survive peer review and are accepted for publication have some common features:
- The work described has some implications beyond where it was done.
- We learned something from the paper.
- We think that our readers would learn something, or find the contents useful to them in their work.
- The work is novel, relevant and valid, and has been conducted in an ethical manner.
WHEC provides grants for the research/publications for the accepted paper for the translations in six languages to be included in WomensHealthSection.com and dissemination of the work worldwide to millions of our readers in health care and policy-makers. Authors of accepted papers are also invited to participate in Continuing Medical Education (CME) discussions and forums on WHEC Global Health Line.
Unsolicited manuscripts: For the sections – Research, Policy & Practice, and Lessons From The Field manuscripts must be accompanied by two paragraphs indicating what they add to the literature:– A brief explanation of what was already known about the topic concerned;– A brief outline of what we know as a result of your manuscript.
The Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC)’s policy on competing interests:
Competing interests arise when authors, reviewer, or editors have personal, commercial, political, academic or financial interests that are not fully apparent and that may influence their professional judgment on a paper’s content or suitability for publication. The WHEC recognizes that the desirable expertise of authors, writers and reviewers also makes them prone to acquiring competing interests in their subject area. The WHEC also requires authors, editors and reviewers to disclose their competing interests, upon submission or review of a paper for any section of the journal. Authors’ competing interests statements will be taken into consideration when a final decision is made to accept or reject a paper, but will not stand as the only criterion for rejection without the editors first seeking further clarification from the authors. The WHEC asks reviewers to decline the invitation to review a paper if they feel that they may have a conflict of interest that would impede their objectivity, and to declare any potential competing interests when accepting the invitation to review. The editors and editorial advisers are obliged to declare any competing interests to WHEC, and preclude themselves from handling papers in such interests collide. The WHEC’s usual time span on conflict of interests is for three years preceding the disclosure, but authors, reviewers and editors are asked to declare any relevant competing interests that they may have outside of this period. In addition, The WHEC requires that authors explicitly state all sources of funding for research or writing activities. This information should be included in the acknowledgements section of the paper, and the methods section of the paper should include the role of the funding source as regards the design, execution, and analysis of the study, and the decision to submit the paper for publication.
Submitting and Publishing Clinical Trials on WomensHealthSection.com:
The registration of all interventional trials is a scientific, ethical and moral responsibility. This will improve research transparency and will ultimately strengthen the validity and value of the scientific evidence base. Clinical trials sponsored by pharmaceutical companies should follow specific guidelines; available at: http://www.gpp-guidelines.org . All human trials that are phase 2a and above must be registered with a clinical trial registry of World Health Organization (WHO); available at: http://www.who.int/ictrp/en or National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States; available at: http://clinicaltrials.gov/
Authors should provide the name of the trial registry, the registry URL, and the trial registration number at the end of the abstract.
Please note: Submit your contributions in a Microsoft Word compatible format (*.doc) and in English only.
Thank you.
Inquires at:
Editorial Office
Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC)
Springfield, MA, USA
e-mail: Editor@WomensHealthSection.com