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In 2006, Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC) began developing scientifically based practice guidelines / Practice Bulletins. The guidelines are derived from the best available evidence of clinical efficacy and consideration of costs, with recommendations explicitly linked to the evidence. These evidence-based practice guidelines are intended to be a means of improving the quality of healthcare, decreasing its cost, and diminishing professional liability. They are proscriptive in nature and, therefore, directive in approach. Our physician’s board identifies, evaluate, and synthesize evidence from the medical literature to produce practice guidelines. It is provided to serve as a readily available introduction to and overview of the topic. WomensHealthSection.com is designed as a resource for healthcare providers and general public to offer a better understanding of reproductive health and cultural understanding. The articles in e-learning publication WomensHealthSection.com provide an overview of current clinical management guidelines in Women’s Health, focusing on the components integral to providing optimum care. The articles are designed for all members of the interdisciplinary team: physicians, physician’s-assistants, nurse practitioners, midwives, nurses, social workers, therapists and other members seeking to enhance their knowledge of women’s health and appropriate care and management. WomensHealthSection.com is a vision for the Globalized World. The use of information science and telecommunications to support the practice of medicine when distance separates the caregiver from the patient is the way forward to make medical care more affordable and more accessible in every country. Our goal is to promote excellence in the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology and closely related fields. The emphasis on evidence-based medicine has taken on new and greater importance as the environment of clinical medicine grows more diverse, with increased access to more information by both physicians and patients and the changing allocation of resources. Practice guidelines are a formal synthesis of evidence, developed according to a rigorous research and review process. Each section is devoted to a particular series. These series are developed by committees of experts and reviewed by leaders in the specialty and the editorial board of the Women’s Health and Education Center. The contribution of the many groups and individuals who participate in the process is gratefully acknowledged. As the practice of medicine evolves, so too do WHEC Practice Bulletins. WomensHealthSection.com educates health care professionals about conditions that are exclusive to women, more prevalent in women, or are diagnosed or treated differently in women versus men. This publication presents unbiased, comprehensive, concise, and clinically relevant review articles and practical sections. The articles are peer reviewed to maintain the highest quality and to verify clinical relevance, medical accuracy, and clarity of presentation. The most insightful and thought-provoking articles are now available in a single portal. All WHEC Practice Bulletins are reviewed 18 to 24 months after publication and are revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Welcome to the Working Group of WHEC!
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Founder/CEO eclecTechs™, LLC 35 個州街道 北安普頓, 麻省01060 info@eclecTechs.com www.eclecTechs.com 雇佣 eclecTechs™, LLC, (以前以網際網路連接數著名), 北安普頓, 麻省 責任人; 網際網路顧問 1994 年- 網際網路培訓通過成人教育組; 被賦予個性的指令; 專用被贊助的研討會系列從初學者對先進的級別。萬維網設計和實施。HTML 2.0 – 4.0, CSS, CGI/perl scripting, Java 語言, Unix, VMS 編程。調制解調器安裝; 情報檢索; 開始和網際網路咨詢的商業營銷; 聘用, 培訓和合格的人員的管理為事務所。熟練程度在所有網際網路服務: FTP 、Telnet 、地鼠、萬維網、電子郵件, 和用戶網服務。企業增長率35% 每年; 完成200 個網站的發展在早期1999 年以前。 1999 年額外網際網路追獵顯現出和教: Y2K, 年2000 年問題 新建媒體, 或, 投入您的最佳的字體今後! 級聯類型表, CSS 有效Java 語言 保留孩子保險櫃, 網際網路為父項 1998 年額外電腦和網際網路路線被開發和被教: 先進的HTML 微軟FrontPage ’98 半成品FrontPage 微軟存取從辦公室’97 Microsoft Word ’97 小型商用電腦路線為業務責任人或經理 電子郵件 有效使用新聞組 營銷在網際網路 促進您的網站 Mousing 介紹視窗’ 98/’95 半成品視窗’ 98/’95 1997 年額外電腦和網際網路路線被開發和被教: 網際網路律師 虛擬商務為製造商 電腦訓練營為成人 微軟辦公系統’97 搜索萬維網 1996 年額外電腦和網際網路路線被開發和被教: 寫一個經營計劃使用網際網路 找到工作使用網際網路 網際網路為前輩 網際網路為教育家 半成品HTML 介紹電腦 半成品視窗’95 1995 年網際網路追獵顯現出和教: 網際網路的介紹(電子郵件, FTP, 地鼠, Telnet, 用戶網, IRC, 萬維網) 選擇網路服務提供戶 探索萬維網 網際網路為小型企業 營銷在網際網路 虛擬商務和交互選擇營銷 HTML – 超文本標記語言標準 網際網路為地產商® 附屬系在斯普林菲爾德技術社區學院 講師為LSSE – 阿默斯特休閒服務和補充教育部 早先雇佣 馬薩諸塞, 阿默斯特, MA 大學 技術經理 1988-1995 聚合物科學和工程的部門 (博士後的) 聚合物科學研究小組的管理, 包括電腦和網際網路設備在13 個實驗室的聯合的設施。指令在網際網路、Unix 、VMS 、視窗、DOS 、Idris, 和系統特定儀器工作。 獨立顧問 1987-1989 化學和食品科學的部門 核磁共振分光學(核磁共振的) 實驗和資料分析的設計和實施為系和研究生。 實驗室經理 1984-1985 聚合物科學和工程的部門 運行, 維護, 預定, 解決困難電腦和科學設備為核磁共振的實驗室。 康奈爾大學, Ithaca, 紐約 研究員 1986 年 營養科學分部 教的關聯 1985 年- 1986 年 化學的部門 全時講師為四個常規化學laboratory/discussion 部分。 教育 馬薩諸塞, 阿默斯特, MA 大學 M.B.A 。 1994 年5月。 B.S 。 化學1985 年。 A.A 。 斯普林菲爾德技術社區學院1980 年。 活動 成員, 更加巨大的斯普林菲爾德風俗觀光機構中心 成員, 顧問委員會,斯普林菲爾德企業中心 成員, 斯普林菲爾德商會1996- 成員, 北安普頓商會1995- 理事, 北安普頓商會1997- 椅子, 北安普頓商會教育委員會1998- 指導委員會成員, 本機5 西部新英格蘭全國作家聯盟1998-2000 理事, 西部馬薩諸塞廣告俱樂部1997-2000 成員, 電子前端委員會(EFF) 1995 年- 成員, 電腦專業人員為社會責任感(CPSR) 1995 年- 成員, 全國電腦安全關聯(NCSA) 1995- 輔助系統操作員, 靈魔海報欄1991 年- 1992 年 成員, Sunderland 分區製申訴委員會(ZBA) 1988 年- 罐看守者志願者, MSPCA 1987 年- 募捐人, Tompkins 縣SPCA 1986 年- 1987 年 馬薩諸塞房地產銷售人員的許可證1989 年- 成員, 美國化工社團(ACS) 1984 年- 1994 年 發行 M.A. Masse, J.A. Hirsch, V.A. White, F.E. ·Karasz 。新建聚合物材料, 1,75-91(1990) 。”AsF5 摻雜的化學的多技術調查在Poly(p 苯撐Vinylene 裡)” 。 L.J 。低, V.A. White, P. Chinachoti 。食品科學日記帳, 在按裡。”蔗糖的作用在水麥子麵筋捆綁、工作情況依照由Deuterium 確定, Oxygen17 和Carbon13 核磁共振分光學” 。 P. Chinachoti, V.A. White, L. Lo, T.R. Stengle 。穀物化學, 68 (3) 238-244(1991) 。”高分辨率C13 、O17, 和Na23 的申請核磁共振學習水位影響、蔗糖, 和NaCl 對澱粉Gelatinization” 。 v 。A. 白色。技術會議記錄關於電信的R&D 在馬薩諸塞, 1994 年, 1, (5) 24-35 “保密性的道德涵義在電子郵件”。 V.A. 白色。斯普林菲爾德商會時事通訊, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1996 年11月。 “禮節在網際網路, 或網路禮節在電子邊境。” V.A. 白色。商業西部, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1996 年12月。”做萬維網工作為您。” 社區服務& 認識: 事業刺激項目, 白色溪中學, Easthampton, 1999 年3月23 日。 卓越的校友證書認可未清成績由STCC 的畢業生, 斯普林菲爾德技術社區學院, 1998 年5月28 日。 成員委員會開球為STCC’s 企業精神: 做它發生! 1998 年1月14 日。 被邀請的網際網路介紹: 婦女在技術討論會, 質量活, 1999 年1月14 日。 專題討論參加者, 第5 個每年婦女業務責任人會議, Mt 。Holyoke 學院, 1998 年11月18 日。 E 商務: 出售在網際網路, Easthampton 商會, 1998 年7月28 日。 網際網路服務、網站和萬維網, Chicopee 商會, 1998 年3月。 萬維網為作家, 全國作家聯合會議, 大學馬薩諸塞, 阿默斯特, MA, 1997 年10月18 日 競爭在網路的社團的年齡 – 網路在先驅谷- 質量法庭’97, Westfield 州立學院, Westfield, MA, 1997 年10月9 日 開發網站: 什麼您需要知道, 辦公室技術商展97, 斯普林菲爾德技術社區學院, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1997 年5月22 日 應付萬維網, 什麼企業需要知道, 馬薩諸塞小型企業開發中心, Easthampton 商會大學, 1997 年5月21 日 地產商教育的®網際網路地產商、第4 每年更加巨大的斯普林菲爾德關聯® 和展覽會, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1997 年5月9 日 網際網路律師, Greenfield 社區學院, 1997 年4月29 日 虛擬商務為製造商, 新罕布希爾` 97 軟體博覽會& 會議為製造商, Nashua, NH, 1997 年3月28 日 遠期商業在網際網路, 斯普林菲爾德商會婦女的合夥企業, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1996 年11月20 日 做生意在萬維網, 馬薩諸塞Office 總統的大學和小型企業開發中心, Hadley, MA, 1996 年11月20 日 網際網路為地產商, 地產商的更加巨大的斯普林菲爾德關聯, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1996 年7月20 日 網際網路和第一校正, 全國公共電臺, 阿爾巴尼, NY, 1996 年5月1 日 知道網際網路, 事業知名度會議, 美國郵政業務, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1996 年3月23 日 網際網路為小型企業, Hilltown Community Development Corporation, Cummington, MA, 1996 年2月21 日 知道網際網路, 與D. Heacock 和A. Escarcida, 婦女業務責任人的聯盟, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1996 年1月25 日 網站,世界銀行, 華盛頓特區, 1995 的12月14 日介紹年 網際網路為地產商, 地產商的更加巨大的斯普林菲爾德關聯, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1995 年12月4 日 網際網路: 更改的關係和偽造新建實踐, 原因, 新奧爾良, LA, 1995 年11月29 日 授權婦女通過網際網路, 大學馬薩諸塞職業婦女的網路, 阿默斯特, MA, 1995 年11月21 日 授權女商人通過網際網路, Zonta 俱樂部北安普頓, Haydenville, MA, 1995 年11月9 日 探索網際網路為商業, 大學馬薩諸塞斯普林菲爾德校友俱樂部, 斯普林菲爾德, 麻省, 1995 年9月29 日 網際網路為地產商, 富蘭克林漢普郡關聯地產商, Whately, MA, 1995 年9月11 日 虛擬商務, Thomson 財務, 紐約, NY, 1995 年6月21 日 “電腦概念和網際網路: I – III”, 1995 年6月15-16, 馬薩諸塞教育計算的會議, 馬薩諸塞, 洛厄爾, 麻省大學 “安全和保密性的道德涵義在網際網路”, 1994 年10月25 日, 第一個每年馬薩諸塞電信會議, 馬薩諸塞, 洛厄爾, 麻省大學 “道德問題在網際網路存取從大學住房”, 1994 年10月10 日, 第九個每年ACUHO-I 資訊系統討論會, 馬薩諸塞, 阿默斯特, MA 大學 “全國資訊基礎設施”, 1994 年8月11 日, 第九臺每年電腦和哲學會議, Occidental 學院, 洛杉磯, 加州的社會分枝 “‘ 資訊公路的’ 社會分枝”, 1994 年4月28 日, 第三個每年電腦概念學院會議, Brookings 學院, 華盛頓特區, “電腦概念和’ 資訊公路'”, 1994 年3月30 日, 管理學校研討會系列, 馬薩諸塞, 阿默斯特大學
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Chairman, Maimonides Medical center Distinguished Professor, SUNY Health Center Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Brooklyn, NY (USA) Dr. Minkoff is a nationally recognized leader in the field of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, specializing in the field of high-risk pregnancies. His work and research in HIV and sexually transmitted diseases is known nationally and internationally both. He has authored more than 200 scientific articles, book chapters, research abstracts, clinical presentations, and multimedia educational tool. He is currently chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY, since 1997. In 1992 he had received distinguished service professor award from SUNY HSCB. Other noteworthy awards were given for his work and research is, Assistant Secretary of Health Awards in 1991 and Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Minkoff received his medical degree for Pennsylvania State Medical School in 1975. After his residency he then entered the highly regarded fellowship in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at SUNY HSCB KCHC in Brooklyn, New York. He is the editorial consultant for 20 journals and Chairs a study section on HIV for the National Institute of Health (NIH). He is also involved in the development of programs for Doctors of the World. Dr. Minkoff’s current interests include research and teaching on prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV transmission, high- risk pregnancies, development and strategy planning of the projects and programs to improve maternal health at local, national and international level.
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×¢Ã÷ÈÕÆÚÖгöÉú: 10Ê®¶þÔ£¬1945 ¾ü¶Ó: [ United] ½²[ Navy] 1975-1977£¬º£¾üµÄÒ½Ôº£¬[ Beaufort,] [ S] [ C.] ½ÌÓý£º ÁªÃË´óѧ£¬[ Schenectady,] [ NY] [ B] [ S.] (ÉúÎïѧ)1966 [ Albany] ҽѧµÄ´óѧ£¬[ Albany,] [ NY] [(M.D.)]1970 [ Internship ]- [ Albany] ҽѧµÄÖÐÐÄÒ½Ôº[1970-1971] [ Residency ]- [ Albany] ҽѧµÄÖÐÐÄÒ½Ôº[1971-1973] ÅóÓÑ- Óд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡£¬[ Albany] ҽѧµÄ´óѧ[1973-1975] Ö¤Ã÷: ¹ú¼ÒµÄ°åÖÐҽѧµÄÖ÷¿¼Õß- 1971 ÃÀ¹úµÄ°åÖÐÄÚ²¿µÄÒ©- 1973 Ðí¿É: New York, Massachusetts רҵµÄÉç»á: ÃÀ¹úµÄÉç»áΪ[ Microbiology] Óд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡Éç»áÖÐÃÀ¹ú ÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡[ Sociery] ÃÀ¹úµÄ»ù´¡ÎªÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡ ÃÀ¹úҽѧЭ»á ÃÅÕﲡÈ˾²ÂöÄÚµÄÖÎÁÆЭ»á [ H] ÎÒ[ V.] ҽѧµÄЭ»á ÁªÃË: ÁìÐäÖÐÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡£¬²¿ÃÅÖÐÄÚ²¿µÄÒ©£¬´È±¯Ò½Ñ§µÄÖÐÐÄ£¬[ Springfield,] Âè ÁÙ´²¸¨Öú½ÌÊÚÖÐÒ©£¬´Ø´óѧѧԺÖÐÒ© ²Î¹Û½ÌʦÓßÂÛÉϽ¡¿µ£¬´óѧÖÐÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝ£¬[ Amherst,] Âè[1989-1990] »áÔ±£¬²¿ÃÅÖÐÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡£¬[ Baystate] ҽѧµÄÖÐÐÄ£¬[ Springfield,] Âè ¹ËÎÊÔÚÄÚÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡£¬´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Âè [ Holyoke] Ò½Ôº£¬[ Holyoke,] Â裬»Ô»ÍµÄÒ½Ôº£¬[ Westfield,] Â裬¸´Ô­Ò½ÔºÖÐÎ÷·½µÄÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝ£¬[ Ludlow,] Âè Ö÷ϯ£¬¸ÐȾ¿ØÖÆ£º´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬¸´Ô­Ò½ÔºÖÐÎ÷·½µÄÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝ Ò½Ñ§ÚÑѯίԱ»á- ²Î¹ÛñÙķЭ»áÖÐ[ Holyoke] ÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝ ÉÌÒµ: ҽѧµÄÖ¸»ÓÕߣ¬[ PROTOCARE] ÖÐÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝ[1986-1997] Ö°Òµ: [ Hampden] ¿¤Ò½Ñ§[ Group,] [1977-1979] [ Springfield] ҽѧÁªºÏ£¬[1979-1999] ÂÞ²ªÌØ[ P.] [ Hoffman] [ MD,] [ P] [ C.] 1999- ÀñÎï ÖÆÒ©µÄ¹«Ë¾: ÁÙ´²µÄ¹ËÎÊÔÚÄÚÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡Óë[ H] ÎÒ[ V.] Õչˣº[ Merck,] [ Hoffmann] – [ LaRoche,] [ Glaxo,] [ Abbott,] [ Agouron,] [ Ortho-] [ McNeil,] [ Bristol] [ Myers] [ Squibb] ×î½üµÄÖ½Ìá³ö: Á÷·¢ÐÐÔÚÄÚ[ H] ÎÒ[ V] [ /A] »òÒ»ÎÒ[ D] [ S.] – ÈýÔÂ7£¬1999£¬ÏòÎ÷µÄ[ Springfield,] Âè ¸ÐȾÔÚÄÚ³¤µÄÆÚÏÞÕÕ¹Ë- Î÷·½µÄÂéÈøÖîÈûÖÝÒ½Ôº£¬[ Westfield,] Â裬ÁùÔÂ2£¬1999 Öµ-ÓÐЧ¿¹ÉúʹÓÃ- ´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Â裬ÁùÔÂ8£¬1999 ·ÏÎïÀûÓÃÖÎÁÆÔÚÄÚ[ H] ÎÒ[ V.] ÕÕ¹Ë- [ St. ] [ Petersberg,] ·ðÂÞÀï´ï£¬ÆßÔÂ7£¬1999 [ OPAT] ÔÚÄÚʱ´úÖд¦ÀíÕÕ¹Ë- ´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Â裬¾ÅÔÂ9£¬1999 ·ÏÎïÀûÓÃÖÎÁÆÔÚÄÚ²¡È˸úÒ©µÖ¿¹µÄ[ H] ÎÒ[ V.] – [ Worcester,] Â裬ʮÔÂ7¡£ 1999 ¿¹ÉúËØÁªºÏ[ Colitis] ÓëÁíÍâ[ Gastrointestinal] ¸´ÔÓÖÐ[ Antibotic] ʹÓÃ- ´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Â裬ʮһÔÂ16£¬1999 [ Influenza ]- ʲôÊÇËüÓëʲô¹Þ×ÓÎÒÃÇ×ö¶ÔËü£¿- [ Springfield,] Â裬ʮ¶þÔÂ9£¬1999 [ Sepsis-] ˳ÅÅÁÐÈçºÎÑç»áÎÒÃÇʶ±ðËü£¬ÈçºÎ×öÎÒÃǶԴýËü£¿- ´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Â裬ÈýÔÂ21£¬2000 ·ÇÖÞÈËÿÎÒ[ D] [ S.] – ³óªµÄͼ»­ÔÚÄÚÃÀÀöµÄ×°ÖÃ- ´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Â裬ʮÔÂ10£¬2000 [ H] ÎÒ[ V.] Óë·ÇÖÞÈËÃÀ¹úÉçÇø- [ Springfield,] Â裬ÈýÔÂ5£¬2001 ÉçÇø»ñµÃ·ÎÑ×- Ó¦ÓÿÆѧʵϰ-[ Springfield,] Â裻ʮһÔÂ14£¬2000 ÉçÇø»ñµÃ·ÎÑ×- ´È±¯Ò½Ôº£¬[ Springfield,] Â裬ÎåÔÂ12£¬2001 ÁãÇ®ÖÐ[ HAART] – [ E. ] [ Longmeadow,] Â裬ÎåÔÂ17£¬2001 ¸Ç×Ó- еÄÄ£·¶- ´Ø½¡¿µ¼Æ»®- [ October] 19£¬2001£¬[ Holyoke,] Âè [ Bioterrorism] Óëҽʦ- ÏòÎ÷µÄ[ Springfield,] Â裬[ Dec.] 6£¬2001 Ô®ÖúÔÚÄÚ·ÇÖÞ- ±¯°§µÄͼ»­ÔÚÄÚÃÀÀöµÄÖ°Îñ- [ Springfield,] Â裬¶þÔÂ6£¬2002 ½ÏÉÙÊÇÁíÍâ- ÁãÇ®ÖÐ[ HAART] – [ Waterbury,] [ CT,] ËÄÔÂ9£¬2002 ×ù̸»áʹ»ººÍ: Óд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡¸üÐÂ- 1983£¬[ Springfield,] Âè ¸ÐȾ¿ØÖƸüÐÂ- 1984£¬[ Springfield,] Âè »°ÌâÔÚÄÚ¸ÐȾ¿ØÖÆ- 1985£¬[ Springfield,] Âè »°ÌâÔÚÄÚ¸ÐȾ¿ØÖÆ- 1986£¬[ Springfield,] Âè ¼ÒÕÕ¹ËÔÚÄÚ[ ’90’s] – ¸ßµÄ[ Tech] ÓëͬÇé- [ Springfield,] Âè [ Intrroduction] µ½[ Home] ÕÕ¹Ë- [ Hoffmann ]- [ LaRoche] [ Home] ½¡¿µ·þÎñ£¬[ Mahwah,] [ NJ,] ¶þÔÂ22£¬1989 ¿¹ÉúËØÓë·¢ÈÈ- ËÄÔÂ4£¬1990 ¹²Í¬µÄ¸ÐȾ£ºµ±´ú¹ÜÀí²ßÂÔ-ËÄÔÂ25£¬1991 ¹²Í¬Óд«È¾ÐÔ¼²²¡- ËÄÔÂ9£¬1992¡£ [ Springfield,] Âè ÌØÖʵı£Ö¤ÔÚÄÚ¼ÒµÄÕÕ¹Ë- ËÄÔÂ17£¬1993£¬[ OPIVITA] »áÒ飬֥¼Ó¸ç£¬[ IL] Ê鸴ϰ: ½âÊÍÖÐÁÙ´²[ Laboratory] ×ÊÁÏ£¬ÃÀ¹úµÄÉç»áÖÐÒ½Ôº[ Pharmacists,] [ ASHP(,)] [ Bethesda,] [ MD,] 1990 Ìù±ÚÖ½³ö°æ: “¡ºÌØÖʵı£Ö¤ÖÐ[ Protocare] ÖÐ[ Masasachusetts,] [ OPIVITA,] [ Oct.] 1991 ¡ºÆÀ¼ÛÃÅÕﲡÈ˹ÜÀí·þÎñ£¬¡»[ OPIVITA,] Ê®¶þÔ£¬1991 ¡º´¦ÀíÕÕ¹ËÓëÓд«È¾ÐԵļ²²¡×¨¼Ò£¬¡»ÁÙ´²Óд«È¾ÐÔ¼²²¡£¬[ Vol.] 23£¬²»¡£ 2£¬°ËÔ£¬1996 ÔÚÄÚ×¼±¸£º¡º½á¹ûÖÐ[ H] ÎÒ[ V.] ÕÕ¹ËÔÚÄÚÉçÇøÒÔ×÷»ù´¡[Practice-1998-1999”] [ Merck] ¹æÔò94»ò[ ] (Ö¸»ÓÊé·¿)- Êé·¿ÖÐЧÁ¦ÓëÅÔ±ßÕÐÖÂÖÐ[ Indinavir-] [ Ritonavir] ×éºÏ¡£ [ Glaxo] [ Zorro(] ѧϰ)- µ½ÆÀ¶¨[ Tolerability] Ó밲ȫÖÐ[ Ziagen] ÔÚÄÚ[H.I.V.-I]¸ÐȾ¸öÌå¡£ [ Agouran] [AG1700-1170]- Êé·¿µ½ÆÀ¶¨ÄÜÁ¦ÖÐ[ Delaviradine] ¸ÄÉÆ[ Lipid] Ãè»æÂÖÀªÔÚÄÚ[ H] ÎÒ[ V.] ¸ÐȾ¸öÌå¡£ ½Ì¿ÆÊé: ÊÖ²áÖÐ[H.I.V.,]×ܼÆѧ¸ÅÄ²¨Ê¿¶Ù£¬Âè2002
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Treasurer The Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC) The Women’s Health and Education Organization, Inc. (WHEO, Inc.) 11 West Elm Street West Townsend, MA 01474 Telephone: 508-361-3721 Fax: 508-525-4506 E-Mail:rslyons73156@hotmail.com Robert S. Lyons is Senior Vice President of Wealth Management with Merrill Lynch where he has been employed since 1998. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, Mr. Lyons served as Executive Director of the University of Massachusetts Foundation for 10 years. He has more than thirty years of progressive experience in investments, finance, and accounting. Mr. Lyons is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC), has an undergraduate degree in accounting, and an MBA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He participates in numerous community activities, and resides in Townsend, MA and Harwich, MA with his wife and three children. Robert has been financial adviser for The Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC) and The Women’s Health and Education Organization, Inc. (WHEO, Inc.) since 2008.
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Professor Division of Gynecologic Oncology Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Creighton University School of Medicine at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, a member of Catholic Healthcare West 500 W. Thomas Road, Suite 660 Phoenix, AZ 85013 (USA) Tel #: (602) 406-6000 Fax #: 602-406-9921 Email: Bradley.monk@chw.edu Biographical Summary Dr. Monk received his medical degree from the University of Arizona in 1988 where he graduated at the top of his class. He then underwent training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of California, Los Angeles between 1988 and 1992, and Gynecologic Oncology at the University of California Irvine (UCI) between 1992 and 1995. In 1995, he was appointed the Director of Gynecology Oncology at Texas Tech University and Associate Director of the Southwest Cancer Center where he served until 1998. Since 1998, he has been a member of the faculty at UCI where he currently is Associate Professor (with Tenure). He is board certified in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He is also an active full member of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the American Association of Cancer Research. Dr. Monk has been an Investigator for the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) since 1995 and is the Chair of the Cervical Committee along with serving on the Tissue Utilization and Publications Committees. He is the Co-Principal Investigator for the GOG at UCI and Study Chair for both group wide phase III trials in cervical carcinoma and also serves as the study chair or co-chair for seven other trials investigating new therapies in cervical and ovarian cancer. Dr. Monk has received career development funding (K-23) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to investigate new strategies against HPV related illnesses and, in addition, is funded by the NCI to study therapeutic HPV vaccines. Dr. Monk has over 90 peer-review publications predominantly dealing with the areas of cervical and ovarian cancer prevention, therapeutics as well as issues related to quality of life. He has also published fifteen book chapters and is on the Editorial Board for Gynecologic Oncology and The American Journal of Hematology/Oncology and is a past President of the Orange County OB-GYN Society.
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25 October 2004 Dear Dr Luthra, Thank you for your letter of 15 October 2004 and congratulations to the Center on becoming associated with the UN-DPI. I would be pleased to share information about the Woman’s Health and Education Center with relevant WHO departments, however, it will also be helpful to have the following information as well: a copy of the Center’s constitution or equivalent document; copies of its membership lists; list of its officers; copies of its annual reports for the past three years and audited accounts; copies of any evaluations of its projects and/or research reports produced by the Center; if produced, a copy of its publications/media catalogue. I take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in the work of WHO. Yours sincerely, Ms. J.S. Matsumoto External Relations Officer Office of the Civil Society Initiative
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Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY ½ÌÓý»òÁ·Ï° ´óѧ²¿µÄ[ MB(,] [ BAO,] [ BCh,] Ò©£¬1985-1991£º) ´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ£¬Ò½Ñ§Ôº£¬¶¼°ØÁÖ£¬°®¶ûÀ¼ ²©Ê¿Ñ§Î»[ MD(,] [ Obstetrics,] 1998£º) ´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ£¬Ò½Ñ§Ôº ·ÅÖÃÓëÊÚÓèÈÙÓþ λÖÃÓëÖ°Òµ 1991 – 92 ʵϰÉú£¬ÄÚ²¿µÄÒ©[ /] »ò[ ] [ Gen] Íâ¿ÆÊÖÊõ£¬[ St.] [ Vincent’s] Ò½Ôº£¬´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ 1992 – 93 ʵϰÉú£¬ÄÚ²¿µÄÒ©[ /] »ò[ ] [ Gen] Íâ¿ÆÊÖÊõ£¬[ St.] [ Vincent’s] Ò½Ôº£¬´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ 1993 – 96 ¾ÓÃñ£¬[ Obstetrics] Ó븾²ú¿Æ£¬´Ø´óѧ[ School] ÖÐÒ©£¬ÐÂÓ¢¹úҽѧµÄÖÐÐÄ£¬²¨Ê¿¶Ù 1996 – 98 ͬ°é£¬Ä¸Ç×-Ì¥Ò©£¬´Ø´óѧ[ School] ÖÐÒ©£¬ÐÂÓ¢¹úҽѧµÄÖÐÐÄ£¬²¨Ê¿¶Ù 1998 – 99 ¸¨ÖúµÄ½ÌÊÚ£¬[ Obstetrics] Ó븾²ú¿Æ£¬´Ø´óѧѧУÖÐÒ©£¬ [ Staff] [ Perinatologist,] ÐÂÓ¢¹úҽѧµÄÖÐÐÄ£¬²¨Ê¿¶Ù 1999 – 03 ¸¨ÖúµÄ½ÌÊÚ£¬[ Obstetrics] Ó븾²ú¿Æ£¬¸çÂ×±ÈÑÇ´óѧ´óѧÖÐҽʦÓëÍâ¿ÆÒ½Éú 2003 – ¸±½ÌÊÚ£¬[ Obstetrics] Ó븾²ú¿Æ£¬¸çÂ×±ÈÑÇ´óѧ´óѧÖÐҽʦÓëÍâ¿ÆÒ½Éú Ö¸»ÓÕßÖÐ[ OBGYN] [ Ultrasound,] Ö¸»ÓÕßÖÐ[ Perinatal] Ñо¿£¬ New York Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia Campus, New 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½ðµÄÑ«ÕÂÔÚÄÚС¶ù¿Æ£¬Ò½ÔºÎªÓв¡µÄСº¢£¬´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ£¬1990 Íâ¿ÆÒ½Éú[ Hugh] [ Boyle] [ Kennedy] Ñ«ÕÂÔÚÄÚÍâ¿ÆÊÖÊõ£¬´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ£¬1991 1941½ðÑ«Õ£¬±ÏÒµ1Ö°ÎñÔÚÄÚҽѧµÄÈ«Ìå½ÌÔ±£¬´óѧѧԺ¶¼°ØÁÖ£¬1991 ²¨Ê¿¶Ù[ Obstetric] Óë[ Gynecologic] Éç»á½±Æ·[ Paper,] 1996 ¾ÓסÖÐÄ꣬²¿ÃÅÖÐ[ Obstetrics] Ó븾²ú¿Æ£¬´Ø´óѧѧУÖÐÒ©£¬²¨Ê¿¶Ù£¬1996 1Ö°ÎñÁÙ´²µÄÑо¿·¢±í£¬ÐµÄÓ¢¹ú[ Perinatal] Éç»á£¬Ò»ÄêÒ»´Î¿Æѧ»áÒ飬1997 ºÃ¿Ú²¿Ñо¿·¢±í£¬[ Ultrasound] Óë³öÉúÒÔÇ°µÄÕï¶Ï£¬Éç»áΪĸÇ×Ì¥Ò©£¬Ò»ÄêÒ»´ÎµÄ»áÒ飬2002 Ñ¡Ôñͬ٭-¸´Ï°³ö°æ(ÔÚÄÚ°´Äê´úÐòµÄ¹æÔò) [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Craigo] [ SD,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ½á¹ûÖÐË«°ûÌ¥µÄÔÐÓýʹ¸´ÔÓÔÚ֮ǰ[ Single] ²»¹æÔòÌ¥¶ù¡£ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1996;88:1-5.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Geary] [ M,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] [ Stronge] [ J,] [ Boylan] [ P,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ÑÓ³¤À͹¤ÔÚÄÚ[ Nulliparas:] ½Ìѵ»îÔ¾µÄ¹ÜÀíÖÐÀ͹¤¡£ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1996;88:211-215.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Nores] [ JA,] [ Athanassiou] [ Craigo] [ SD,] Simpson[ LL,] [ Garmel] [ SH,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ È·ÈÏÖÐÌ¥µÄ[ Telemedicine] µ±×÷ÐÂ[ Obstetric] [ Imaging] ¼¼Êõ¡£ ÊÇ[ J] [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1997;177:626-631.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Athanassiou] [ Nores] [ JA,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ƶÇîµÄ[ Perinatal] ½á¹ûÁªºÏ¸úĸÇ×µÄ[ Brucella] [ Abortus] ¸ÐȾ¡£ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1997;90:674-676.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Crombleholme] [ TM,] [ Nores] [ JA,] [ Athanassiou] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ÓÕ»óÖÐÁ½±¶-µÄÅÝÄ­Ç©Êð – [ Case] ÖÐÏÈÌìÊ®¶þÖ¸³¦¸´ÖÆ¡£ Ì¥µÄ[ Diagn] [ Ther] [1997;12:298-300.] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ£¬[ Malone] [ FD,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] ¼à»¤ÊÇ£¬[ Bianchi] [ DW.] ¶¨Òå½ÇÉ«ÖÐÓ©¹â[ In Situ] ÔÓ½»[ on] [ Uncultured] [ Amniocytes] Ϊ³öÉúÒÔÇ°Õï¶ÏÖÐ[ Aneuploides.] ÊÇ[ J] [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1997;176:769-776.] [ Nores] [ J,] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Athanassiou] [ Craigo] [ SD,] Simpson[ LL,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ È·ÈÏÖÐ1ѧÆÚ[ Telemedicine] µ±×÷[ Obstetric] [ Imaging] ¿Æ¼¼£º¿ÉÐÐÐÔÑо¿¡£ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1997;90:353-356.] [ Nores] [ JA,] [ Athanassiou] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ¼¼ÊõÉϵĿɿ¿ÐÔÖÐ[ Obstetric] [ Ultrasound] ´«Êä¾­¹ý[ ISDN.] [ Telemed] [ J] [1997;3:191-195.] [ Nores] [ JA,] [ Athanassiou] [ Elkadry] [ E,] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Craigo] [ SD,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ÐÔ²î±ðÔÚÄÚË«°ûÌ¥-[ Twin] [ Transfusion] Ö¢ºòȺ¡£ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1997;90:580-582.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Kaufman] [ GE,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] [ Athanassiou] [ Nores] [ JA,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ĸÇ×µÄî¾²¡ÂÊÁªºÏ¸úÈþ¸öÒ»×黳ÔС£ ÊÇ[ J] [ Perinatol] [1998;15:73-77.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Athanassiou] [ Nores] [ J,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ Ч¹ûÖÐ[ ISDN] Ƶ´øÔÚÉÏÓ°ÏñÌØÖÊΪ[ Telemedicine] ´«ÊäÖÐ[ Obstetric] [ Ultrasonography.] [ Telemed] [ J] [1998;4:161-165.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Ralston] [ S,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ Ôö¼Ó[ Nuchal] [ Translucency] ÓëÌ¥µÄ[ Chromosomal] ȱµã¡£ [ N] [ Engl] [ J] [ Med] [1998;338:1228-1229.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Craigo] [ SD,] [ Giatras] ÎÒ£¬[ Carlson] [ J,] [ Athanassiou] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ½¨Òé[ Ultrasound] ±äÊýΪÆÀ¹ÀÖÐÌ¥µÄ¾®-ÊÇÔÚʱ³¤ÆÚµÄ[ Hemodialysis.] [ Ultrasound] [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1998;11:450-452.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Athanassiou] [ Craigo] [ SD,] Simpson[ LL,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ·ÑÓ÷¢ÐаüΧʹÓÃÖеçÄÔ»¯[ Telemedicine] Ϊ[ Obstetric] [ Ultrasonography.] [ Ultrasound] [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1998;12:120-124.] [ Kaufman] [ GE,] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Harvey-] [ Wilkes] [ KB,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] [ Penzias] µ±×÷£¬[ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ [ Neonatal] î¾²¡ÂÊÓëËÀÍöÂÊÁªºÏ¸úÈþ¸öÒ»×黳ÔС£ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [1998;91:342-348.] [ Giatras] ÎÒ£¬Õ÷ÊÕ[ DP,] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Carlson] [ JA,] [ Jungers] [ P.] »³ÔÐÔÚʱ[ Dialysis:] ¹ÜÀíÖ¸Òý¡£ [ Nephrol] ²¦[ Transpl] [1998;13:3266-3272.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] [ Athanassiou] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ Ó°ÏìÖÐ[ Gestational] ±äÀÏÔÚ´«ËÍÔÚÉϾ­¼ÃѧÖÐÈþ¸öÒ»×黳ÔС£ [ J] ÆÌϯì¶ÉÏÌ¥µÄ[ Med] [1999;8:256-261.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Berkowitz] [ RL,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ [ Integrated] ɸ·ÖΪÏÂÖ¢ºòȺ¡£ [ N] [ Engl] [ J] [ Med] [1999;341:1935-6.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Marino] [ T,] [ Bianchi] [ DW,] [ Johnston] [ K,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ [ Clubfoot] [ Isolated] Õï¶Ï[ Prenatally:] [ Karyotyping] ÏÔʾ£¿ [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [2000;95:437-440.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Berkowitz] [ RL,] [ Canick] [ JA,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ 1ѧÆÚ[ Screening] Ϊ[ Aneuploidy] – Ñо¿»ò±ê×¼ÖÐÕչˣ¿ ÊÇ[ J] [ Obstet] [ Gynecol] [2000;182:490-496.] [ Farina] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Bianchi] [ DW.] Ì¥µÄ[ sonographic] ·¢ÏÖ£º·ÖÎöÖÐ×î³£Óë½»ÍùµäÐÍÓëËûÃǵÄ[ specificity] ÖÐЭ»á¡£ ÊÇ[ J] [ Med] [ Genet] [2000;91:331-339.] [ Devine] [ PC,] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ Athanassiou] [ Harvey-] [ Wilkes] [ KB,] [ D’Alton] ÎÒ¡£ ĸÇ×Óë[ Neonatal] ½á¹ûÖÐ100Á¬ÐøµÄÈþ¸öÒ»×黳ÔС£ ÊÇ[ J] [ Perinatol] [2001;18:225-235.] [ Cleary-] [ Goldman] [ J,] [ Connolly] [ T,] [ Chelmow] [ D,] [ Malone] [ FD.] ׼ȷ¶ÈÖÐ[ TDX-] [ FLM] ·ÖÎöÖÐ[ Amniotic] Á÷¶¯£º±È½ÏÖÐÒ¶ÇʵijØÑùÆ·¸ú[ Amniocentesis.] [ J] ÆÌϯì¶ÉÏÌ¥µÄ[ Neonat] [ Med] [2002;11:374-377.] [ Malone] [ FD,] [ D’Alton] [ MD.] ¡º1ѧÆÚ[ Sonographic] [ Screening] ΪÏòϵÄÖ¢ºòȺ¡»¡£ [ Obstetrics] Ó븾²ú¿Æ£¬ÔÚÄÚ½ôÎÕ£¬2003¡£ Ñо¿Ö§³Ö ½øÐеÄÑо¿Ö§³Ö U10 HD 40485 Malone (PI) 4/01/01 – 3/31/06 NIH/NICHD ¹ú¼ÒµÄЭ»áÖÐСº¢½¡¿µÓëÓÐͬÇéÐĵķ¢Õ¹ – ĸÇ×Ì¥Ò©²¿ÍøÂç Ä¿±êÖÐÕâÊé·¿ÊǺÏ×÷¸ú14ÁíÍâÖ÷ҪѧÊõ[ perinatal] ²¿ÔÚÄÚÁªºÏµÄÇéÐε½Ê¶±ðÓëÒýµ¼·¶Î§ÖÐÁÙ´²µÄÑо¿ÊÔÑéÓйص½Ïà·´µÄ[ perinatal] ÓëĸÇ׵Ľá¹û¡£ ½ÇÉ«£ºÖ÷ÒªµÄµ÷²éÕß RO1 HD 38652-03S4 D’Alton (PI) 6/15/99 – 5/31/04 NIH/NICHD ¿ìµÄÊÔÑ飺1Óë2ѧÆÚÆÀ¹ÀÖÐΣÏÕΪ[ Aneuploidy] Ä¿±êÖÐÕâÊé·¿ÊDZȽÏ1Óë2ѧÆÚ½Ó½üµ½É¸·ÖΪ̥ÏòÏÂÖ¢ºòȺ£¬Ó÷¶Î§ÖÐÉúÎﻯѧÓë[ sonographic] ÊÔÑéÔÚÄÚÈË¿ÚÖÐ38£¬[ 000] ²¡ÈË»­´ÓÒ»°ãµÄ[ United] ½²ÈË¿Ú¡£ ½ÇÉ«£º[ Co-] Ö÷Òªµ÷²éÕß RO1 HD 38652-03S1 D’Alton (PI) 6/01/01 – 5/31/04 ¿ìµÄÊÔÑ飺ÏÈÌìÐÄÔà»ûÐÎ[ Screening] Êé·¿ Ä¿±êÖÐÕâÊé·¿ÊÇÆÀ¹À½ÇÉ«ÖÐ[ nuchal] [ translucency] [ sonography] µ±×÷ɸ·Ö²âÊÔΪÏÈÌìÐÄÔà»ûÐΣ¬Óë²âÁ¿×¼È·¶ÈÖÐÌ¥µÄ[ echocardiography] [ in] Õï¶ÏÕâÑùµÄ»ûÐΡ£ ½ÇÉ«£º[ Co-] µ÷²éÕß
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行政的标题: 领袖,病理学指挥者,[ Cytopathology] 新的英国病理学联合,[ P] [ C.] 教育: 大学生:[ Bates] 大学,[B.S.,]1968 邮递[ Doctoral] 练习: University of Connecticut School of Medicine, M.D., 1976 Post Doctoral Training: [ Internships] 与[ Residencies:] 大学中[ Rochester] 医学的中心,[ Rochester,] [ NY,] [ Residency] 在内[ APStrong] 记念的医院[1976-1978] [ Residency] 在内[ AP] [ Hartford] 医院,[ Hartford,] [ CT] [1978-1979] [ Licensure] 与证明: 美国的板中医学的主考者- 1972 麻萨诸塞州医学的执照不。 44997- [10/79] 美国的板中病理学[ Anatomic(] 病理学)- [6/82] 美国的板中病理学[ Anatomic(] 病理学)- [6/82] 学术的约会: 辅助的教授(临床,)部门中病理学,簇大学学校中药 – 三月2000 医院约会: 2002-提出 首位中病理学 慈悲医学的中心 2002-提出 指挥者中[ Cytopath] 新的英国病理学联合,[ P] [ C.] [1997-2002] 联合病理学者 部门中病理学,[ Baystate] 医学的中心,[ Springfield,] 妈 1989-1992 首位中[ Cytopathology] 生命实验室 慈悲医院,[ Springfield,] 妈 1979-1988 首位中[ Cytopathology] 生命实验室 慈悲医院,[ Springfield,] 妈 颁发与授予荣誉: 1971 国家的竞争为[ Cytotechnologist] 研究(2) 美国的社会中[ Cytopathology] 1976 杰出的学生在内病理学 [ Univ. ] 中[ Connecticut] 学校中药 1978 国家的竞争为居住的研究(2) 美国的社会中[ Cytopathology] 1979 居住的研究竞争(2) 新英国癌症社会 专业的社会: 1992-提出 美国医学协会 1992-Present 麻萨诸塞州医学的协会 1992-提出 [ Hampden] 郡医学的社会 1992-提出 美国的社会中[ Cytotechnology] 1992-提出 新的[ Hampshire/Vermont] 或[ ] 社会中细胞学 1996-提出 美国的病理学基础 委员会功课在内专业的社会: 板中受托人与规划委员会,美国人病理学基础 主要的研究使感兴趣: [ Cytopathology ] – 安好用针缝渴望;液体-以作基础[ Monolayer] 准备 教责任: 全体教员会员中[ Baystate] 医学的中心部门中病理学[ Residency] 节目与[ Cytopathology] 奖学金规划负责为教细胞学与安好用针缝渴望到资深病理学居民与[ Cytopathology] 朋友。 教责任: 1. 标题: [ Multi-] 集中临床 的试验示范效用中[ ThinPrep] 3000处理机为准备中[ ThinPrep] 使滑 赞助代理: [ Cytyc] 公司 数量: $75,000 角色: 主要的调查者 2. 标题: [ Multi-] 集中试验评估要素[ Screening] 效能中[ ThinPrep™] [ Imaging] 系统 赞助代理: [ Cytyc] 公司 数量: $52, 000 角色: 主要的调查者 社论的板与活动: 编辑,[ APF] 复习(美国人病理学基础) 军人的服务: [10/68-8/72] 统一情形军队;值得尊敬的流出物 社区服务: 主席,搭乘中健康 [ Ludlow,] 妈 [ School] 医师 [ Ludlow,] 妈 参考书目: 文章 1. 三月中,徒步者[ MT,] [ Bur] [ M,] [ Coughlin] [ BF,] [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Lorenzana] [ R,] [ Makari-] [ Judson] [ G:] 触及-准备细胞学中胸部[ Core] 生检样品:准确度[ in] 预言良性或有害核心组织学,1999;[ Acad] [ Radiol] [6(6):333-338.] 2. 理查[ K,] [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Hornish] [ Cell] 街区准备一样补充诊断技术到流动-以作基础[ Monolayer] [ Cervicovaginal] 样品,1999;[ Acta] [ Cytol] [43(1):69-73.] 3. [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Beith] [ K:] 改善[ ASCUS] 诊断:临床与财政含意为确认-照顾。 [ OB] [ GYN] [ supplemental] 到[ Ob.] [ Gyn. ] 新闻,1999。 4. [ Nicastri] [ G,] 芦笛[ W,] [ Dziura] [ B:] 准确度中有害的诊断建立[ by] 安好用针缝渴望[ Cytologic] 程序中乳房的大量。 [ Surg] [ Gynecol] [ Obstet,] [1991;72(6):457-60.] 5. [ Dachs] [ R,] 宽厚的[ RE,] [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Berman] [ J:] [ Paraprosthetic-] [ Enteric] 管联合跟十二指肠的[ Tumor.] 安[ Vasc] [ Surg,] [1990;4(1):65-8.] 6. [ Dziura] [ RB:] 罚款用针缝渴望中肺:病理学者透视。 [ J] [ Thorac] [ Imaging,] [1987;2(2):49-51.] 7. [ Dziura] [ B:] 罚款用针缝渴望中胸部:[ Intraductal] [ Hyperplasia] [ vs] [ Ductal] [ Carcinoma.] [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1979;23(4):332-340.] 8. [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Bonfiglio] [ T:] 用针缝细胞学中胸部。 数量与质书房中小室中良性与有害[ Ductal] [ Neoplasia.] [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1979;23(4)332-40.] 9. [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Otis] [ R,] [ Hukill] [ P,] [ Goldblatt] [ P,] [ Damjanov] 我:胃的刷细胞学:分析中小室从良性与有害溃疡。 [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1977;21(2):187-90.] 10. [ Cooney] [ W,] [ Dziura] [ B,] [ Harper] [ R,] [ Nash] [ G:] 细胞学中[ Sputum] 从[ Thermally] [ Injured] 病人。 [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1972;16:433-437.] 出版摘要: 1. [ Dziura] [ B:] 比较中[ ThinPrep] [ Pap] 跟发现中[ Glandular] 破格。 [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1999;43(5):902.] 2. [ Dziura] [ B:] [ Morphologic] 评估中增加发现中高的成绩[ SIL] 跟[ ThinPrep] [ Pap.] [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1998;42(5):1241.] 3. [ Dziura] [ B:] 评估中效果中[ ThinPrep] [ Pap] 在上诊断中[ ASCUS] 与它的财政含意在内确认-照顾。 [ Acta] [ Cytol,] [1998;42(5):1244.] 另外: 1. [ Dziura] [ B:] [ Mediastinal] 罚款用针缝渴望中[ Metastatic] [ Nonsemenomatous] [ Testicular] 种子[ Cell] [ Tumor.] [ S] [ C] [ P.] 检查样品,五月,1987。 邀请教训:或发表 2001 研讨会:[ ASCUS] 与[ ThinPrep] [ Pap] 新泽西社会中细胞学 2001 [ ThinPrep] [ Pap] 在内发现中[ Gynecologic] [ Malignancies] [ Baystate] 医学的中心 [ Cytopathology] 研讨会 2001 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] 南方主要医学中心 [ Bangor,] 我 2001 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] 纽哈芬区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] 纽哈芬,[ CT] 2000 研讨会:前进使变薄[ Prep] 语形论 曼彻斯特,[ NH] 2000 研讨会:前进使变薄[ Prep] 语形论 费城,[ PA] 2000 研讨会:前进使变薄[ Prep] 语形论 曼彻斯特,[ CT] 2000 研讨会:前进使变薄[ Prep] 语形论 波士顿,妈 2000 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Newton] [ Wellesley] 医院 [ Newton,] 妈 2000 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] 安凉亭区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] 安凉亭,大音阶的第叁音 2000 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Minneapolis/St] 或[ .] [ Paul] 区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] [ St. ] [ Paul,] 大音阶的第叁音 2000 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Tulsa] 区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] [ Tulsa,] 认可 2000 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Rochester] 区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] [ Rochester,] [ NY] 1999 卖[ Anatomic] 病理学服务医师办公室:用病理学者在上销售的组。 执行的战争大学在上实验室与病理学管理 New Orleans, LA 1999 销售[ Anatomic] 病理学医师办公室 执行的战争大学在上实验室与病理学管理 New Orleans, LA 1999 安好用针缝渴望生检中困难与不寻常胸部障碍 提出在[ Vermont/New] 或新罕布夏细胞学社会 [ Bartlett,] [ NH] 1999 雇主环首看中[ Cytotechnology] 毕业生 – 什么我们找在内新的雇用 社会中细胞学教育家中东北 [ Pittsfield,] 妈 1999 [ ThinPrep] 杂香 16一年一次的[ Baystate] 医学的中心[ Cytopathology] 研讨会 [ Springfield,] 妈 1999 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Tulsa] 区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] [ Tulsa,] 认可 1999 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] 峡谷落下医院 峡谷落下,[ NY] 1998 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Nashville] 区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] [ Nashville,] [ TN] 1998 [ Cytomorphology] 在内[ Gynecologic] [ ThinPrep] [ Pap] 礼物在15年报[ Baystate] 医学的中心[ Cytopathology] 研讨会 [ Springfield,] 妈 1998 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] 匹兹堡区域[ OB/GYN] 或[ ] 匹兹堡,[ PA] 1998 前进在内颈癌症[ Screening] [ Littleton] 一般的医院 [ Littleton,] [ NH] 1998 [ Cell] 街区准备一样补充诊断技术到流动-以作基础[ Monolayer] [ Cervicovaginal] 样品 美国的社会中[ Cytopathology] [ Nashville,] [ TN] 1993 [ ThinPrep] 经验在内实验室 [ Baystate] 医学的中心 [ Cytopathology] 研讨会 1991 使用中罚款用针缝渴望中胸部在内管理中[ Nonpalpable] 障碍 10一年一次州中艺术[ Cytopathology] 研讨会 1990 罚款用针缝渴望中胸部 – 问题与诱惑 新的[ Hampshire/Vermont] 或[ ] 社会中细胞学 1987 问题在内与肺有关的[ Cytopathology] 罗德岛社会中细胞学 1983, 1984, 1985 研讨会:罚款用针缝渴望中肺美国的社会中临床的病理学者 1982, 1983, 1986 研讨会:罚款用针缝渴望中肺 罗德岛社会中细胞学 1985 研讨会:罚款用针缝渴望中肺 俄亥俄州社会中细胞学 1987 罚款用针缝渴望中肺 缅因州社会中细胞学 1981 细胞学为[ Histotechs] [ Connecticut] 组织学社会 1980 研讨会:[ Gynecologic] [ Cytopathology] [ Connecticut] 社会中细胞学 1979 原因中错误肯定与负面诊断在内与肺有关的罚款用针缝细胞学 新英国癌症社会 1978 胸部针细胞学:[ Intraductal] [ Hyperplasia] [ vs] [ Ductal] [ Carcinoma] 美国的社会中细胞学 1971 [ Sputum] 细胞学中[ Thermally] 伤害病人 美国的社会中细胞学
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General Manager & Treasurer eclecTechs™, LLC 22 Cherry Street Westfield, MA 01060 info@eclecTechs.com www.eclecTechs.com Barbara has been the General Manager at eclecTechs since 1998. eclecTechs offers many Internet services, including Web Design, Programming, Networking and Consulting. eclecTechs also offers DSL and web hosting at reasonable rates. Barbara received a degree in Accounting from The University of Massachusetts in 1989.
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