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Gynecologic Pathology and Cytopathology

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Editor's Note

The goal of medicine is excellence in the care of patients, and often research and education will advance the practice of medicine. The pathological aspects of gynecological disease, so fundamental to a proper understanding of the whole subject, are an important part of excellent patient care. The study of Cytopathology is focused on the identification and interpretation of cells as well as collection techniques. Fiberoptic instrumentations provide retrieval of cells from sites that were previously examined poorly or not at all. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy with its endless applications gradually assumed a vital role in diagnosis.

Implementation of cervical cytology screening has reduced the incidence of cervical cancer in many countries. Nonetheless, cervical cancer represents the second most common cancer in women worldwide. Molecular biology is assuming a starring role in carcinogenesis. Evaluation of cervical lesions in relationship to human papillomavirus has spring to major proportions. Recognition that human papillomavirus (HPV) causes most cervical neoplasia suggests that improved screening and management strategies that reflect the biology and behavior of HPV infections may be possible. If HPV testing proves to be clinically useful, the traditional Pap smear may be enhanced by a new approach that would combine cytologic screening with ancillary testing of samples.

Quality improvement (QI) is essential in today’s cytopathology laboratory. QI can be defined as the process of monitoring to ensure achievement of appropriate patient care. It includes problem identification and resolution to prevent recurrence. Monitoring, in fact, is the crux of quality improvement.

Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC)