This section gives an overview of dynamics and magnitude of Domestic Violence. It addresses the clinical dimensions and scope of women battering, drug abuse, suicide, child abuse and mental health issues. Pathways to change deals with responding to violence against women and integrating policy and developing a hospital / clinic program to address domestic violence. Scientific investigation of the problem of domestic violence is a relatively recent endeavor. It is only within the past 30 years that violence against women has been acknowledged nationally and internationally as a threat to health and rights of women as well as to national development. This section illuminates the different faces of violence, from the “invisible” suffering of society’s most vulnerable individuals to the all-too-visible tragedy of societies. Incorporating screening related to elder abuse and neglect into the clinical encounters will increase identification of abuse. Healthcare providers should assess patients for elder abuse and respond to patients who are victims of elder abuse as they would to domestic violence in general.
The long-term focus on domestic violence is responsible for major reforms on multiple levels within various systemic functions related to criminal prosecution, legislative views and actions, and healthcare protocols. Child abuse is a serious global health problem. We hope our efforts encourage countries and governments to implement injury control policies and programs that will actually lower the currently unacceptable toll of child injury.
We welcome reports on new approaches to old problems and accounts of experiences, whether successes or failures, from which others may profit.
Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC)