Worldwide about 500,000 women die as a result of pregnancy each year. Every minute of every day a woman dies. We have, for several decades, had the knowledge and means to remove much of the risk and uncertainty associated with childbirth. This tragic picture has only gradually become clearer.
Maternal death is only the tip of the iceberg. In developing countries, a large number of women are in a state of constant and debilitating ill health, which they often accept fatalistically as the normal and unavoidable price of childbirth. The situation is not new, but until recently few people were aware of the enormity of the problem. With the growing motivation and political will the need for better information has become more acute.
Knowledge and understanding are a precondition for action at all levels of the healthcare and other systems. This section is an attempt to bring together information from scientific journals and government reports, in order to give as complete a picture as possible of obstetrical care to reduce maternal mortality. The Internet has connected the world and this super-highway hopefully brings different cultures and customs together for better understanding. All those concerned with preventing maternal mortality and disability and the suffering resulting there from, hopefully find these sections useful.
We hope our forums are helpful in suggesting solutions to the problem. We hope that this will provide a useful factual basis for action, for all those working for Safe Motherhood.
Women’s Health and Education Center (WHEC)