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The Women’s Health and Education Center had the honor to launch this e-learning project (WomensHealthSection.com) in association with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations on 24 October 2002. We are embarking on a new era in medicine and healthcare. Our mission is to make evidence-based medicine available to national and international audience. To reach the global community and to serve national and international needs, the text is available in six languages: Arabic, Chinese, (US) English, French, Russian, and Spanish. The syllabus of our project is designed to stress common, everyday health-care issues in women’s health. Most of all, however, we hope that the contents will motivate future research that will further enhance the understanding of reproductive health. Education is the best gift in life both to give and to receive.

Gratitude is expressed to Mr. Paul Hoeffel, Chief, NGO Section Department of Public Information of the United Nations for his friendship, support and guidance. He believes passionately in the fundamental wisdom in the opinions of the healthcare providers from all over the world, an idea that he pursued with integrity and energy, shedding light on personal, spiritual side of human life. To him I owe my greatest debt as the inspiration for this e-learning project. I have been very fortunate to work with Sol Oca, Information Officer, NGO Section Department of Public Information of the United Nations. We are grateful to her for her continuous support to this project.

I am grateful to all my friends and colleagues from various respectable teaching hospitals and universities from all over the USA and other countries, who are involved with me in this project. Their friendship and support has made this web-learning project a great success. We look forward to work with anyone who is interested in improving maternal and child health.

I have been very fortunate to work with Victoria A. White, CEO, eclecTechs and her extraordinary team on this e-learning project. Personally, as I am sure in almost universally the case, writing a journal turns out to be a much more challenging task than was initially anticipated. There is a vast gulf between having thoughts and ideas and the challenge of getting them organized, written on paper, and then relentlessly edited and shaped into coherent whole. I still remember the very first day when I discussed this project with Victoria; she asked me: What would your web-site like to do?

I hope this brings happiness and goodwill in the world. We hope to make a difference.
Thanks again
Rita Luthra, MD