President, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), 2013-2016
27 Sussex Place
Regent’s Park
London NW1 4RG; U.K.
T: +44 20 7772 6250
David is a consultant uro-gynaecologist at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital and was its Medical Director for 17 years from 1993 to 2010 prior to becoming Vice President (Clinical Quality) of the RCOG. During his tenure he published High Quality Women’s Health (2011)–a proposal for developing a public health life-course approach to care combined with implementing networks for delivery. He championed the production of the first RCOG national Maternity Clinical Indicators Report for England. This will act as a template for further national reports to include other aspects of clinical performance.
David has promoted clinical quality initiatives and audit at a national level and encouraged the College to develop quality improvement projects (Each Baby Counts and Perineal Trauma – 2015).
His main interests lie in all aspects of education, training, clinical quality and safety and the implementation of national guidance. He has a strong track record in workforce planning and authored the RCOG report on the Future Workforce in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for England and Wales (2009). This has led to a working party to review national standards for maternity care and also gynaecology with a particular emphasis on service delivery; Safer Women’s Healthcare.
Dr. Richmond has been keen to improve the relationship between the College and its membership and is implementing the recommendations of its Governance Review and subsequent Representation Working Party which has proposed greater openness and transparency of College working and Council meetings. He has also opened the discussion on increasing the electorate to its members potentially on a global footing.
He is Vice Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Council member and Fellow of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management. He has developed strong links with the UK Government ministers in areas of mutual benefit, the Care Quality Commission and NHS England.
David has represented the RCOG on independent national reviews in Scotland and England with regard to surgical mesh use for incontinence and prolapse and is co-chair of the models of care stream in the NHS Maternity Review.
His main interests outside medicine involve his family and the outdoors including his garden, golf, running and climbing.