1956 – 2007, In Loving Memory
eclecTechs™, LLC
35 State Street
Northampton, MA 01060
eclecTechs™, LLC, (formerly known as The Internet Connection), Northampton, MA
Owner; Internet Consultant 1994 – 2007
Internet training via adult education classes; individualized instruction; privately sponsored seminar series from beginner to advanced levels. World Wide Web design and implementation. HTML 2.0 – 4.0, CSS, CGI/perl scripting, JavaScript, Unix, VMS programming. Modem installations; information retrieval; start up and marketing of Internet consulting business; hiring, training and management of qualified staff for firm. Proficiency in all Internet services: FTP, Telnet, Gopher, WWW, email, and USENET services. Business growth rate over 35% each year; complete development of over 200 web sites by early 1999.
Additional Internet Courses developed and taught in 1999:
- Y2K, The Year 2000 Problem
- New Media, Or, Putting Your Best Font Forward!
- Cascading Style Sheets, CSS
- Effective JavaScript
- Keeping Kids Safe, The Internet for Parents
Additional Computer and Internet Courses developed and taught in 1998:
- Advanced HTML
- Microsoft FrontPage ’98
- Intermediate FrontPage
- Microsoft Access from Office ’97
- Microsoft Word ’97
- Small Business Computer Course for Business Owners or Managers
- Electronic Mail
- Effectively Using Newsgroups
- Marketing on the Internet
- Promoting Your Web Site
- Mousing Around
- Introduction to Windows ’98/’95
- Intermediate Windows ’98/’95
Additional Computer and Internet Courses developed and taught in 1997:
- The Internet Lawyer
- Virtual Commerce for Manufacturers
- Computer Camp for Adults
- Microsoft Office ’97
- Searching the Web
Additional Computer and Internet Courses developed and taught in 1996:
- Writing a Business Plan using the Internet
- Finding a Job using the Internet
- The Internet for Seniors
- The Internet for Educators
- Intermediate HTML
- Introduction to Computers
- Intermediate Windows ’95
Internet Courses developed and taught in 1995:
- Introduction to the Internet (email, FTP, Gopher, Telnet, USENET, IRC, WWW)
- Choosing an Internet Service Provider
- Exploring the World Wide Web
- The Internet for Small Business
- Marketing on the Internet
- Virtual Commerce and Interactive Marketing
- HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
- The Internet for Realtors®
Adjunct Faculty at Springfield Technical Community College
Instructor for LSSE – Amherst Leisure Services and Supplemental Education Department
Previous Employment
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Technical Manager 1988-1995
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Management of (postdoctoral) polymer science research group, including computer and Internet equipment in combined facilities of 13 laboratories. Instruction on Internet, Unix, VMS, Windows, DOS, Idris, and system specific instrumentation.
Independent Consultant 1987-1989
Departments of Chemistry and Food Science
Design and implementation of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) experiments and data analysis for faculty and graduate students.
Laboratory Manager 1984-1985
Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Operate, maintain, schedule, troubleshoot computer and scientific equipment for NMR laboratory.
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Research Associate 1986
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Teaching Associate 1985 – 1986
Department of Chemistry
Full time instructor for four general chemistry laboratory/discussion sections.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
M.B.A. May 1994.
B.S. Chemistry 1985.
A.A. Springfield Technical Community College 1980.
Member, Greater Springfield Convention and Visitors Bureau Center
Member, Advisory Board,Springfield Enterprise Center
Member, Springfield Chamber of Commerce 1996-
Member, Northampton Chamber of Commerce 1995-
Board of Directors, Northampton Chamber of Commerce 1997-
Chair, Northampton Chamber of Commerce Education Committee 1998-
Steering Committee Member, Local 5 Western New England National Writers Union 1998-2000
Board of Directors, Western Massachusetts Ad Club 1997-2000
Member, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) 1995 –
Member, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) 1995 –
Member, National Computer Security Association (NCSA) 1995-
Assistant Systems Operator, GENIE Bulletin Board 1991 – 1992
Member, Sunderland Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) 1988 –
Canister caretaker volunteer, MSPCA 1987 –
Fundraiser, Tompkins County SPCA 1986 – 1987
Massachusetts Real Estate Salesperson’s License 1989 –
Member, American Chemical Society (ACS) 1984 – 1994
- M.A. Masse, J.A. Hirsch, V.A. White, F.E. Karasz. New Polymeric Materials, 1,75-91(1990). “A Multi-Technique Investigation of AsF5 Doping Chemistry in Poly(p-Phenylene Vinylene)”.
- L.J. Lo, V.A. White, P. Chinachoti. Journal of Food Science, in press. “Effect of Sucrose on Water Binding, Behavior of Wheat Gluten as Determined by Deuterium, Oxygen17 and Carbon13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”.
- P. Chinachoti, V.A. White, L. Lo, T.R. Stengle. Cereal Chemistry, 68 (3) 238-244(1991). “Application of High Resolution C13, O17, and Na23 NMR to Study the Influences of Water, Sucrose, and NaCl on Starch Gelatinization”.
- V. A. White. Proceedings of Technical Conference on Telecommunications R&D in Massachusetts, 1994, 1, (5) 24-35 “Ethical Implications of Privacy in Electronic Mail”.
- V.A. White. Springfield Chamber of Commerce newsletter, Springfield, MA, November 1996. “Etiquette on the Internet, or Netiquette on the Electronic Frontier.”
- V.A. White. Business West, Springfield, MA, December 1996. “Making the Web Work for You.”
Community Service & Recognition:
Career Motivation Program, White Brook Middle School, Easthampton, March 23, 1999.
Distinguished Alumni Award to recognize outstanding achievement by a graduate of STCC, Springfield Technical Community College, May 28, 1998.
Member of the kick-off panel for STCC’s Entrepreneurship: Making It Happen! January 14, 1998.
Invited Internet Presentations:
Women in Technology Workshop, Mass Live, January 14, 1999.
Panelist, 5th Annual Women Business Owners Conference, Mt. Holyoke College, November 18, 1998.
E-Commerce: Selling on the Internet, Easthampton Chamber of Commerce, July 28, 1998.
Internet Services, Web Sites and the World Wide Web, Chicopee Chamber of Commerce, March 1998.
The Web for Writers, National Writers Union Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, October 18, 1997
Competing in the Age of the Networked Society – Networking in The Pioneer Valley – Quality Forum ’97, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA, October 9, 1997
Developing a Web Site: What You Need to Know, Office Technology EXPO 97, Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield, MA, May 22, 1997
Tackling the Web, What Businesses Need to Know, University of Massachusetts Small Business Development Center, Easthampton Chamber of Commerce, May 21, 1997
The Internet REALTOR®, 4th Annual Greater Springfield Association of Realtors® Education and Trade Show, Springfield, MA, May 9, 1997
The Internet Lawyer, Greenfield Community College, April 29, 1997
Virtual Commerce for Manufacturers, New Hampshire `97 Software Exposition & Conference for Manufacturers, Nashua, NH, March 28, 1997
The Future of Business on the Internet, Springfield Chamber of Commerce Women’s Partnership, Springfield, MA, November 20, 1996
Doing Business on the Web, University of Massachusetts President’s Office and Small Business Development Center, Hadley, MA, November 20, 1996
The Internet for Realtors, Greater Springfield Association of Realtors, Springfield, MA, July 20, 1996
The Internet and the First Amendment, National Public Radio, Albany, NY, May 1, 1996
Getting to Know the Internet, Career Awareness Conference, United States Postal Service, Springfield, MA, March 23, 1996
Internet for Small Business, Hilltown Community Development Corporation, Cummington, MA, February 21, 1996
Getting to Know the Internet, with D. Heacock and A. Escarcida, Women Business Owner’s Alliance, Springfield, MA, January 25, 1996
Presentation of Web Site, The World Bank, Washington, DC, December 14, 1995
The Internet for Realtors, Greater Springfield Association of Realtors, Springfield, MA, December 4, 1995
The Internet: Changing Relationships and Forging New Practices, CAUSE, New Orleans, LA, November 29, 1995
Empowering Women through the Internet, University of Massachusetts Professional Women’s Network, Amherst, MA, November 21, 1995
Empowering Business Women via the Internet, Zonta Club of Northampton, Haydenville, MA, November 9, 1995
Exploring the Internet for Business, University of Massachusetts Springfield Alumni Club, Springfield, MA, September 29, 1995
The Internet for Realtors, Franklin-Hampshire Association of Realtors, Whately, MA, September 11, 1995
Virtual Commerce, Thomson Financial, New York City, NY, June 21, 1995
“Computer Ethics and the Internet: I – III”, June 15-16, 1995, Massachusetts Education Computing Conference, University of Mass., Lowell, MA
“Ethical Implications of Security and Privacy on the Internet”, October 25, 1994, First Annual Massachusetts Telecommunications Conference, University of Mass., Lowell, MA
“Ethical Issues in Internet Access from University Housing”, October 10, 1994, Ninth Annual ACUHO-I Information Systems Workshop, University of Mass., Amherst, MA
“Societal Ramifications of the National Information Infrastructure”, August 11, 1994, Ninth Annual Computers and Philosophy Conference, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
“Social Ramifications of the ‘Information Highway'”, April 28, 1994, Third Annual Computer Ethics Institute Conference, Brookings Institute, Washington, DC
“Computer Ethics and the ‘Information Highway'”, March 30, 1994, School of Management Seminar Series, University of Massachusetts, Amherst